Thursday, November 14, 2013

J1: News station

   One thing good that I notched WAVE did as I was recording the stories was focus on local stories. This could be viewed as good or bad. I view this as good because WAVE is a local news station so they are reporting on what the claim to be reporting on, local news. WAVE also had some national and international stories there were just few compared to the total amount of stories WAVE has. I believe WAVE overall is a good news station for television considering what the other stations are like in the Louisville area.

J1: Television

   I never realized what an impact television had on society. Talking about it in class made me realize what an impact TV had. Legalizing gay marriage is something that is going on right now in the United States. The show Modern Family for example, like we talked about in class, really effected the acceptance of gay marriage. I'm not saying Modern Family completely changed the way we look at gay marriage but it definitely changed the ways we view it.

J1: News Station

   With research I have acquired through watching WAVE 3 at 6 pm I have noticed that WAVE mainly covers crime stories. With a total of 74 stories 34 of them are crime. That is outrageous for having eight categories the stories could fall under. Honestly, the only crime that needs to be covered is crime that is currently going on. If the crime is solved and unpreventable the crime is then irrelevant. I think a good thing WAVE should do is cut back on the crime stories.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

J1: Internet discussion

   Internet impacted every single mass media in some way or another. In class we discussed about how internet either over powered other forms od mass media or caused them to go online. That is why we have online shopping and television online.

Internet also effected music. There used to be big music stores in the bigger cities, now majority of people get their music from iTunes thanks to Steve Jobs. The internet is everywhere and people are on it constantly.

J1: News station 1

   Something I noticed about my news station, Wave 3, was that there weren't many stories. Some of the stories actually went into detail but not all of them. I think for only showing seven stories all the stories should be pretty in depth. The lead story in the show isn't always relevant.
   I also noticed how the weather segments were very long, along with the sports. I think there should be more news stories and less sports. There are whole stations devoted to sports so that is where the people wanting to hear about sports should go.

J1: Radio Discussion

     I never realized that radio was the first live mass media. I thought it was television. I would have never thought of radio. I found it interesting how department stores would advertise for radios in their store so more people would purchase radios. Radio changes the way people got news. Nobody had heard of live news, it was unheard of. Viewers always had a delayed reaction with other forms of mass media. People would gather around the radio and listen to news or sports games.